Monday, May 11, 2020
My Personal Transformation Through Cheerleading - 1420 Words
My Personal Transformation Through Cheerleading Intro In â€Å"The Allegory of the Cave,†Plato illustrates a world where prisoners are trapped their whole lives in a cave and are unable to see the world as it truly is. In order to understand how the world functions, these prisoners have to climb up towards the light and travel out of the cave. I can relate the cave to my own personal experience of being an introvert who used to be sheltered in a cave afraid of speaking up, socializing, and interacting with others. Through cheerleading, I have traveled out of the cave and went through my own personal transformation. Although I am still considered an introvert through the MBTI, I can argue that cheerleading has allowed me to disengage from the†¦show more content†¦Our desire to help others and connect on a deeper emotional level makes us the perfect personality type for the medical field. These personality traits can be seen in Plato’s â€Å"The Allegory of the Cave.†Plato discusses how the prisoners have been chained their whole lives â€Å"they have been there since childhood, fixed in the same place, with their necks and legs fettered, able to see only in front of them, because their bodies prevent them from turning their heads around†(3). Being a cave dweller is analogous to introversion because the prisoners live their whole lives in the dark and therefore only understand the dark. When they are brought up into the light, they have trouble accepting the new world surrounding them. Exposure to the new world symbolizes the introverted tendency to become resistant to change and narrow-minded when confronted with opposing views. In order to change, the prisoners have to explore the vast unknown, which requires a personal transformation from darkness to light. Darkness to light relates to the journey from introversion to extraversion. Background 2 As an ISFJ, I have struggled with taking matters personally, being afraid to speak up, and meeting new individuals. Growing up, I used to be very shy and was afraid of speaking up in class. My biggest fear was that I would be judged, or that I would say something that the professor or my classmates would disagree with. When I started cheerleading, I had no other choice but to meet andShow MoreRelatedSport and Football Essay1468 Words  | 6 Pagesencourage others to share their love of sports through their use of ethos and pathos, with pathos being more effective. Cheerleading is a physical activity that I think most are aware of. Some qualify it as a sport which should receive the same notoriety as an even more familiar game such as basketball. Jennie Yabroff belongs to that community. There are also those who dismiss it as mindless women dancing for their health. 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