Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Framework Big Data Information Management -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Questions: What Is The Meaning And Concept Of Security, Regulation, Technology: In Context Of Smart Cities? What Are The Challenges That Influence Security, Regulation, Technology, And Relationship Between Public And Private Sector? Which Strategies Are Effective For Improving The Practices Security, Regulation, Technology, And Relationship Between Public And Private Sector? Answers: Presentation This report presents the comprehension towards numerous components that will support to make the shrewd urban communities suitably. It likewise talks about point and goals of the examination. In last, it exhibits the numerous procedures, for example, research ways of thinking, research approach, research system, research plan, information assortment strategy, information examination technique, research restriction, moral thought, and inspecting technique. These strategies are a significant piece of exploration technique as could likewise be steady to offer an open door for the examination researcher to gather the exact data with regards to the ebb and flow research situation and get the great outcome. Examination title The examination title is to dissect the job of security, guidelines, fast change in innovation, overseeing change, and the interaction between general society and private parts: in setting of Smart urban areas, Dubai. Examination foundation Association likewise faces numerous issues because of absence of comprehension about trend setting innovation. In Dubai, organizations can't draw in an enormous number of clients and decrease the exchanging cost because of quick change in innovation. In addition, rules and guideline of nation could impact the financial state of the country. Dubai has utilized numerous arrangements with respect to most recent innovation, dealing with the vulnerability, and the connection among open and private segment (Albino, et al., 2015). It could be powerful for the advancement of the nation. Consequently, an association has expected to pick up their insight about the standards and guideline of brilliant nations for improving their money related circumstance in constrained time. Accordingly, it enables the associations of Dubai to improve their business to process. The fitting guidelines and most recent innovation could support to make a savvy nation. In Dubai, countless associations can't adequately maintain their business and acquire achievable result because of unseemly principles and guideline, securit y, and innovation of their nation. Subsequently, association is required to build up their mindfulness about procedures of brilliant regions as it could be basic to get a tremendous measure of advantages. Besides, the nation will have the option to improve the way of life as it could coordinate effect on the nation circumstance. Moreover, it is likewise tended to that numerous organizations have upgraded their mindfulness towards rules and guideline of brilliant regions as it will assist the association with getting a serious advantage (Piro, et al., 2014). It will likewise help the organization to build their insight towards most recent methods for giving their earnest attempts to make the Dubai into the savvy nation. Shrewd County give proper guideline, security, and most recent innovation to their association as it could help to much of the time improve their financial condition (Baek, et al., 2015). Subsequently, the organization will rehearse the promoting technique to deal wit h their vulnerability and work their firm, which will assist with acquiring the serious advantage. Therefore, an organization would have the option to improve their firm execution. Besides, it is additionally broke down that association could likewise be proficient to make their inside abilities and improving their serious advantages. What's more, it is additionally discovered that there is absence of study on the job of security, guideline, innovation, open and private area relationship in making a savvy nation. Subsequently, research researcher has chosen to finish their exploration on this specific point. In addition, the essentialness and accessibility of data about exploration matter could likewise persuade the examination researcher to lead their exploration on the ebb and flow research issue. Subsequently, the specialist will be fit to get exact data with regards to investigate issues in constrained assets and time. Besides, this exploration will be powerful for the agent and peruser because of improving their current comprehension about various elements that help to make the savvy urban communities. Exploration point and destinations The primary point of this examination is to address the job of security, guidelines, fast change in innovation, overseeing change, and the interchange between general society and private segments in Smart urban areas. The accompanying exploration goals will be utilized to achieve the examination point. To investigate the importance and idea of security, guideline, innovation, and connection among open and private area: in setting of the Smart urban communities To investigate the difficulties that impact security, guideline, innovation, and connection among open and private area: in setting of the Smart urban communities To suggest the methodologies for improving the practices security, guideline, innovation, and connection among open and private area: in setting of Smart urban communities Defense of exploration In Dubai, an association faces trouble in their business procedure because of absence of security, guideline, and innovation as it could coordinate effect on the development of the firm. In addition, it is likewise inspected that absence of comprehension about the most recent innovation, the connection among open and private division. Thusly, it will decrease the likelihood of business achievement. In this way, it can likewise be assessed that this proposition shows the job of innovation, guideline, and security on the keen urban communities. Exploration system The exploration system is pivotal for dissecting appropriate technique as it will be successful to accomplish research objective. In this, numerous strategies will be involved like examination theory, research procedure, research approach, information assortment technique, testing strategy, information investigation, and moral thought (Hashem, et al., 2016). Examination Onion Framework The examination onion system incorporates certain, techniques, approaches, and strategies as it could be utilized by the specialist to gather the exact data for achieving the exploration point and destinations. Moreover, it is additionally discovered that the onion structure is rehearsed for producing the profundity understanding with respect to investigate modes (Al Nuaimi, et al., 2015). The onion structure is steady to create exact information about examination strategies as it could be compelling to improve the nature of up and coming exploration result. In this examination study, research onion system will likewise be drilled by the specialist for gathering achievable apparatuses and modes, which could be basic to accomplish the exploration point and destinations. Additionally, this system will likewise bolster scientist to profoundly investigation research apparatuses and strategies (Taylor, et al., 2015). Examination reasoning The exploration reasoning is an essential piece of examination procedure. This strategy considers certain methods like positivism, interpretivism, and authenticity. The positivist way of thinking is strong to increase genuine comprehension about specific exploration issue (Mackey and Gass, 2015).This strategy permits research researcher to build up the theory with respect to investigate matter. In this, the organized philosophy is utilized for achieving research objective. Conversely, the interpretivism theory empowers the examination researcher to utilize the subjective strategy and acquire hypothetical information about exploration matter. Therefore, an analyst could likewise be proficient to achieve the good outcome. Other than this, the authenticity reasoning depends on the genuine factor. Further, it is a blend of both positivism and interpretivism reasoning (Lewis, 2015). It is utilized to decide the causal connection between multiple factors. For this examination, a scientist will utilize the interpretivism theory than the other strategy since it will permit the analyst to gather applied information towards the exploration matter and meet the examination goals and point. Examination approach The examination approach is a method or way wherein the entire exploration study is organized to adequately direct the exploration. There are various types of variables that are considered in the exploration like inductive and deductive examination approach (Silverman, 2016). The deductive methodology encourages the scientist to build up the speculation for research matter and meet the objective of examination. It likewise empowers the analyst to build up the reasonable model towards research issue (Neuman and Robson, 2014).The created speculation is acknowledged and dismissed for the benefit of gathered information. Other than this, the inductive methodology offices research researcher to acquire non-numeric information about exploration issue. This technique additionally empowers the analyst to get the dependable information by utilizing the perception strategy (Panneerselvam, 2014). For this exploration study, an examination researcher will utilize the inductive methodology as opposed to deductive methodology. Since, this methodology permits the examination researcher to focus on parts of savvy urban areas and gather fitting information. In this examination study, there is no compelling reason to build up any exploration speculation henceforth the deductive methodology won't be considered by the analyst. The inductive methodology will empower the specialist to get a legitimate and dependable result. Exploration procedure The exploration procedure is powerful for research as it could support to acquire a dependable and substantial result. The examination methodology considers numerous components like meetings, analyses, reviews, and contextual investigations (Mayer, 2015). This procedure is pivotal for directing the exploration in a deliberate manner. The examination technique orders the specialists to lead their exploration in a normalized way as it could be suitable to get an achievable outcome. The subjective and quantitative examination technique is consid
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Persons Responsible for Health and Safety in the Workplace Essay
The Persons Responsible for Health and Safety in the Workplace Distinguish the people answerable for wellbeing and security in the work environment. Jobs are Responsibilities of Employers. Each business ought to guarantee, the wellbeing, security and government assistance at work of every one of their representatives. Howl are the regions the business ought to shield the representatives from, without preference: * To give and keep up regions of work that are, sheltered and without dangers to wellbeing; * To guarantee, insignificant hazard when, dealing with and moving articles; * To give the important data, guidance, preparing and management to guarantee, the wellbeing and security of their workers at work; * And to guarantee the work environment is kept up in a condition that is protected. Each business needs to get ready and stay up with the latest composed articulation of wellbeing and security at work. They ought to likewise ensure all representatives note the announcement and, any correction of it. Jobs are Responsibilities of Employees. Each representative while at work will: * Take care for the wellbeing and security of them self and of other people who might be influenced by their demonstrations or activities at work; and * Co-work with their manager or some other individual in control, to see that the necessity to be performed are meet with. Jobs and Responsibilities of Management. The management’s principle obligation is to guarantee the wellbeing and security of laborers and to diminish dangers brought about by work exercises, to workers ...
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
All Hail the Working People
All Hail the Working People My rest relaxation days ended in the beginning of July. After waking up at 10:30 AM everyday to nothing but enjoying sunshine, pointless TV, and the company of old friends, I was definitely not looking forward to the alarm ringing at 6:45 AM. I drive an hour to work â€" which begins at 8:30 AM and ends at 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. This would be my first taste of the working life. (P.S. One of my favorite moments of the day is seeing all the people in western business attire standing beside the lonesome bus stops in the middle of nowhere, waiting for the suburban Coach bus that will take them to work. Inspiring!) I’m interning at ETS â€" the Educational Testing Service, a.k.a. producer of the SAT, GRE, TOEFL, AP Exams, etc…Yeah. Anyways, I’m not working on the previously mentioned exams, but rather, a newer test called the TOEIC â€" Test of English for International Communication â€" a.k.a. English for the business setting. So…..my job is basically developing test questions for the TOEIC. And for confidentiality reasons, I think that’s pretty much all I should be saying about that. I can’t talk about what goes on exactly, but I will say a couple things I realized about my job and ETS. 1) This is really serious â€" People take the TOEIC to get jobs, seek promotions, make their lives… 2) This is really hard… a question is not just a question. Now I’m just thinking how in the world the SAT â€" which has nearly 200 questions â€" is put together… D: 3) Essentially, ETS may seem like a big blackbox (hahaha first learned this word in 8.02 ), but nothings arbitrary. :P Remember the Sketchbook Project mentioned in my last post? Several people I know have also hopped on the wagon â€" it’s a movement! So…. I’ve worked on a grand total of…dun dun dun… 1 page. :X I know, Im ashamed. I didn’t want to doodle any old thing, so I was waiting for thorough ideas to just come to me. But thankfully, one Sunday morning, I just decided to start something. This one’s about how jaded I am about buying things…or just generally, the saturation of material goods all over the place or the fact that youre almost expected to spend after a payday but really theres nothing that tempting. Or maybe too many things. O..KAY Anyways, It’s hard to believe tomorrows August! There’s still a whole month until MIT begins once again, but for some reason, I’m homesick already. It’s not that MIT is not exciting â€" on the other hand, its probably a little too exciting. Everything is new and everything is your decision. Everything is A LOT. I just wish there would be more minutes in between to “miss home†and remember where i came from. Dont know if that made any sense. But this is the growing-up weve been asking for. Well, soon enough it’s on to the next world: MIT. Is anyone (ever) ready? Like in a Sketchbook, its gonna take a certain dose of courage to start marking on every new page.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Prescription Pain Medications Are Supposed To Improve The
Prescription pain medications are supposed to improve the health and well-being of an individual. Oxycontin, an opioid drug, is meant to help people manage their pain symptoms; however, many people are unaware that there is a danger of abuse of receiving drugs prescribed by their physicians. The essays â€Å"How to Create an Addiction†and â€Å"Erin Daly: OxyWatchdog†by Cynthia Andrzejczyk explore the problem of prescription drugs in the United States. Since 1999, prescription drug epidemic in the United States has been killing 15,000 people every year from overdosing (Andrzejczyk 275). People have been losing their loved ones due to a culprit meant to help. The Pharma Purdue company who created the Oxycontin was responsible for starting the†¦show more content†¦People were crushing the drug and inhaling or injecting it in their veins in order to induce euphoria (Andrzejczyk 272). As no education from their physicians was given saying Oxycontin can cause addi ction, thousands of people have died from overdosing. The prescription drug epidemic has claimed thousands of lives every year after the introduction of Oxycontin. In 2007, the Pharma Purdue admitted in federal court that Oxycontin was not a â€Å"safe drug†and has a potential for abuse, causing them a fine of 634 million dollars (Andrzejczyk 272). However, at the time, it was too late for the people who become addicted to Oxycontin or who died from overdosing. The prescription drug epidemic had been already well established across the country. People already saw or experienced the euphoria induced by prescription drug. Erin Daly, the founder of Oxywatchdog website, blamed the Pharma Purdue for her brother’s death (Andrzejczyk 275). Her brother’s addiction started with the prescription drug and when 40 to 50 dollars per pill became too expensive, he turned to Heroin which was widely available on the street. It is an opioid drug, inducing the same euphoria as Oxycontin. The demand for heroin was fulfilled by the drug cartels of Mexico and South America, hence, the â€Å"second wave†of the prescription drug epidemic in the country (Andrzejczyk 273). The lost of thousands of lives might be prevented if Pharma Purdue warned theShow MoreRelatedAbusing Prescription Medication. Prescription drug abuse has become a major epidemic across the1000 Words  | 4 PagesAbusing Prescription Medication. Prescription drug abuse has become a major epidemic across the globe, shattering and affecting many lives of young teenagers. Many people think that prescription drugs are safer and less addictive than â€Å"street drugs.†After all, these are drugs that moms, dads, and even kids brothers and sisters use. The dangers are not easily seen, but the future of our youth will soon be in severe danger if the problem is not addressed,it will continue to get worse if action isRead MoreThe Physician And An Emergency Department Essay1219 Words  | 5 Pagespresented asking for a refill on his pain medication. As more information was revealed, we learned that he had run out of his medication two months ago, and had yet to set up an appointment with his primary care physician. The physician then cut the patient off to bluntly inform him that he needed to make an appointment with his primary care physician as he would not be refilling the prescription due to the department’s polic y of not refilling narcotic prescriptions. The patient became very anger thenRead MoreMODDERN Cures Act and Chronic Disease1524 Words  | 7 Pagesnarcotics through the Bill of Rights. â€Å"Congress may not authorize unreasonable searches and seizures or cruel and unusual punishment of narcotics violators†(Kaplan). Congress is able to see where and how drugs get transported. As of right now new medications for people with rare diseases are being created and approved through the FDA very slowly. There are a lot of regulations that they have to meet which takes a long time to go through. Because these drugs are becoming available to patients so slowlyRead MoreThe Ethical Implications Of Prescribing Narcotics1058 Words  | 5 Pagesthat have chronic pain issues. Therefore, assessment of both the physical and psychological aspects of the pain is essential for appropriate treatment. For the purpose of this discussion, I will explain how to evaluate and treat an indi vidual that has this issue. I will also discuss the importance of recognizing the signs of drug abuse in this population. I will also evaluate the ethical implications of prescribing narcotics. Evaluation of Low Back Pain Assessment of back pain should begin asRead MorePcp Essay1298 Words  | 6 PagesPharmaceuticals are defined as prescription, over the counter and veterinary therapeutic drugs used to prevent or treat human and animal diseases, while personal care products (PCPs) are used mainly to improve the quality of daily life [16]. Over the past few years, there has been growing awareness of the unintentional presence of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in various compartments of the aquatic environment at concentrations capable of causing detrimental effects to the aquaticRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legalized?1811 Words  | 8 PagesRose who had cancer and was prescribed Oxycodone, After many tries at different pharmacies she finally gave up because they all denied giving her the prescription she needed. Shortly after this incident Rose passed, her husband Carl tells ABC Channel news â€Å"I guess some of these people make judgements about whoever’s walking in to get a prescription. They’re too suspicious.†(Cancer Patients.) According to the patients Bill of Rights a patient has the right for considerate and respectful care, reasonableRead MoreA Normal Human Thoracic Spine1401 Words  | 6 Pagesroundness (Scoliosis Research Society, 2015). Excessive curvature that exceeds forty-five to fifty degrees causes an abnormal slouched posture known as kyphosis. According to Kamiah A. Walker (2011), â€Å"The vertebrae stack one on top of each other and are supposed to be rectangular†(para. 11). However, Walker adds that kyphosis â€Å"causes the vertebrae to become triangular or wedge shaped†(2011, para. 11). This results in an inward and forward postural change of the upper spine. Kyphosis can manifest at anyRead More Fighting For Our Love Ones Essay1664 Words  | 7 Pages In today’s world, most families have a love one struggling to live with cancer, HIV, glaucoma, or multiple sclerosis. Most of us, here in the United States, have watched a love one endure the pain of chemotherapy, uncontrollable muscle spasms, or blindness. Our love ones not only suffer physical pain, but mental anguish as well. Our dying loves ones are at war with our Federal Government. They are fighting for a chance at a better quality of life. They are fighting for the legalization of marijuanaRead MoreMoral And Ethical Controversies Of Assisted Suicide3249 Words  | 13 Pageseuthanasia and assisted suicide are something that takes place in hospitals around the world both legally and illegally. It is the act of intentionally causing a patients death or allowing a patient to take their own life by prescribing lethal doses of medication. Until very recently, it was only legal in one state in the United States, Oregon. However, just this past November, Washington also hopped on board. Opinions about the topic vary; some justify it by saying they are putting an end to the patient’sRead MoreDeath With Dignity : Looking At Morality And Ethics2364 Words  | 10 PagesThe Death with Dignity Act is an end-of-life choice possibility for terminally ill patients to be given the freedom to decide for themse lves what it means to die with dignity. This act allows them to die with dignity by providing them with lethal medications prescribed by a physician (The Oregon Department of Human Services, 2006). The Death with Dignity Act started to allow people with six months or less to live, the right to die in a manner and at the time of their own choosing. Also, even though
Monday, May 11, 2020
My Personal Transformation Through Cheerleading - 1420 Words
My Personal Transformation Through Cheerleading Intro In â€Å"The Allegory of the Cave,†Plato illustrates a world where prisoners are trapped their whole lives in a cave and are unable to see the world as it truly is. In order to understand how the world functions, these prisoners have to climb up towards the light and travel out of the cave. I can relate the cave to my own personal experience of being an introvert who used to be sheltered in a cave afraid of speaking up, socializing, and interacting with others. Through cheerleading, I have traveled out of the cave and went through my own personal transformation. Although I am still considered an introvert through the MBTI, I can argue that cheerleading has allowed me to disengage from the†¦show more content†¦Our desire to help others and connect on a deeper emotional level makes us the perfect personality type for the medical field. These personality traits can be seen in Plato’s â€Å"The Allegory of the Cave.†Plato discusses how the prisoners have been chained their whole lives â€Å"they have been there since childhood, fixed in the same place, with their necks and legs fettered, able to see only in front of them, because their bodies prevent them from turning their heads around†(3). Being a cave dweller is analogous to introversion because the prisoners live their whole lives in the dark and therefore only understand the dark. When they are brought up into the light, they have trouble accepting the new world surrounding them. Exposure to the new world symbolizes the introverted tendency to become resistant to change and narrow-minded when confronted with opposing views. In order to change, the prisoners have to explore the vast unknown, which requires a personal transformation from darkness to light. Darkness to light relates to the journey from introversion to extraversion. Background 2 As an ISFJ, I have struggled with taking matters personally, being afraid to speak up, and meeting new individuals. Growing up, I used to be very shy and was afraid of speaking up in class. My biggest fear was that I would be judged, or that I would say something that the professor or my classmates would disagree with. When I started cheerleading, I had no other choice but to meet andShow MoreRelatedSport and Football Essay1468 Words  | 6 Pagesencourage others to share their love of sports through their use of ethos and pathos, with pathos being more effective. Cheerleading is a physical activity that I think most are aware of. Some qualify it as a sport which should receive the same notoriety as an even more familiar game such as basketball. Jennie Yabroff belongs to that community. There are also those who dismiss it as mindless women dancing for their health. I myself at one point in my life doubted the aspects of cheering and didn’tRead MoreThe Impact Of The Indian Act On Aboriginal Individuals, Communities, And Cultures1504 Words  | 7 Pagesworks to be done with policies, Acts, and treaties. I believe Canada as a whole should take responsibility. By recognizing the mistakes and injustices, it will allow for a closer step towards equity and fairness. b) Re-examine and include your own personal understanding of why reconciliation is a significant part of today s dialogue. Include the poems, Thomas King video, and class lectures provided by Randy Lundy. I believe reconciliation is significant to part of today’s dialogue for many reasonsRead MoreThe Art of Change - Book Review Essay3307 Words  | 14 Pagesthe while promoting an understanding of how the plan will work. Implementation, leaders must work with others in the organization to maintain forward movement of the plan, to monitor progress and discover and correct any issues that occur. Follow-Through, leaders must work with others in the organization to institutionalize the changes that have been achieved, helping others accept the fact change is ongoing and is a normal part of organizational development. The critical point to be made from theseRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pages658.40071 173â€â€dc22 I. Cameron, 2009040522 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 ISBN 10: 0-13-612100-4 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-612100-8 B R I E F TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Preface xvii Introduction 1 PART I 1 2 3 PERSONAL SKILLS 44 Developing Self-Awareness 45 Managing Personal Stress 105 Solving Problems Analytically and Creatively 167 PART II 4 5 6 7 INTERPERSONAL SKILLS 232 233 Building Relationships by Communicating Supportively Gaining Power and Influence 279 MotivatingRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesDiversity Management Strategies 56 Attracting, Selecting, Developing, and Retaining Diverse Employees 56 †¢ Diversity in Groups 58 †¢ Effective Diversity Programs 58 Summary and Implications for Managers 60 S A L Self-Assessment Library What’s My Attitude Toward Older People? 40 Myth or Science? â€Å"Dual-Career Couples Divorce Less†47 An Ethical Choice Religious Tattoos 51 glOBalization! Images of Diversity from Around the Globe 54 Point/Counterpoint Men Have More Mathematical Ability Than WomenRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 Pageswealth of interactive visual and audio resources, WileyPLUS gives you everything you need to personalize the teaching and learning experience.  » F i n d o u t h ow t o M A K E I T YO U R S  » www.wileyplus.com ALL THE HELP, RESOURCES, AND PERSONAL SUPPORT YOU AND YOUR STUDENTS NEED! 2-Minute Tutorials and all of the resources you your students need to get started www.wileyplus.com/firstday Student support from an experienced student user Ask your local representative for details!
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Love and Arrange Marriage Free Essays
There is always a thought in mind that love marriages don’t last much or they are the best because of the couples understanding built before entering marriage. But it is nothing related to the marriage type when it comes to knowing each other and understanding levels. The understanding can be built if you have faith and trust apart from flexibility among the couple. We will write a custom essay sample on Love and Arrange Marriage or any similar topic only for you Order Now Love marriage has the same benefits as arranged ones. Due to the time duration of knowing each other, couples have understanding which develops during their love affair. Because of this reason, many arrange marriage couples feel the lack of time duration which forms a base for developing understanding levels. But it is nothing like that to think about. They too develop good understanding which can be better than love marriage couples. Love and marriage are inseparable from each other in any kind of marriage. Just the time factor can’t be the major reasons behind the success of marriage. Arrange marriage couples also have success in their marriage and comparison is just a way to deteriorate your own relationship. Be confident of your love and never let the thought of comparing love among these two marriage types enter your mind. If the proximity, understanding and love is low in any of these marriages, then it will end gradually and the reason should not be the type of marriage. Marriage like two sides of a coin comes with advantages and disadvantages. These are not dependent on the marriage types but the partners. So married couples, stop comparing love marriage vs arrange marriage and search for new ways to develop relationship with your spouse and not sticking to the question of which type of marriage is best for you. Leave the love marriage vs arrange marriage fight. How to cite Love and Arrange Marriage, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Beowulf And Batman Essay Example For Students
Beowulf And Batman Essay The classic hero possesses strength, ethics; and, above all, fights evil. This model applied in the time of Beowulf and still applies today, only slightly modified. As a result of such innovations as television and fashion magazines, society has come to value physical attractiveness and sexual prowess, as evident in the example of Batman, a modern day hero. In addition, humility has become a desired quality in modern times, whereas self-confidence to the point of arrogance was a favorable attribute in the time of Beowulf. Despite the differences, similarities between the Anglo-Saxon hero and modern day hero can be seen through the comparison of Beowulf and Batman. Beowulf and Batman both possess the heroic quality of strength. Beowulf swims for seven day and fights nine sea-monsters, a feat that most men cannot accomplish. He demonstrates his strength again in the battle with Grendel. Beowulf tears off Grendels arms using his bare hands. Batman also has the classic heroic quality of strength. Batman single-handedly fights gangs of criminals on numerous occasions in the movie Batman, showing not only muscular strength, but endurance, much like that of Beowulf. Batman echoes the heroic strength of Beowulf. Batman and Beowulf also have strong codes of ethics. Batman often releases criminals after a fight instead of killing them. The criminals were not an immediate life threat, so Batman did not feel it was right to kill them. His code of ethics does not allow for murder, therefore Batman kills only when absolutely necessary. Beowulf reveals his adhesion to a code of ethics in his argument with Unferth. Beowulf condemns Unferth, saying You murdered your brothers, your own close kin. Words and bright wit wont help your soul; youll suffer hells fires, Unferth, forever tormented. Batman and Beowulf share the same code of ethics: one that condemns murder. The heroes are true to their ethics and only kill when absolutely necessary. Another heroic quality shared by Batman and Beowulf is their commitment to fighting evil. When a villain attacks innocent citizens, the hero is there to protect them and fight the attacker. Beowulf protects herot, traveling from Geatland to aid King Hrothgar and fight Grendel. After the battle with Grendel, Beowulf remains to kill Grendels mother. Beowulf knows that as a hero, he must protect these people, even if they are not his people. Batman also knows he must fight evil in Gotham City, although he perceives no personal threat. Batman battles criminals on city streets and ultimately fights and destroys the Joker. These enemies do not pose a threat to Batman himself, but he fights them to save the people of Gotham City. Both Batman and Beowulf wear this heroic responsibility to fight evil well.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Environmental Risks From Mine Tailings
Environmental Risks From Mine Tailings Tailings are a type of rock waste from the mining industry. When a mineral product is mined, the valuable portion is usually embedded in a rock matrix called ore. Once the ore has been stripped of its valuable minerals, sometimes through the addition of chemicals, it is piled up into tailings. Tailings can reach immense proportions, appearing in the form of large hills (or sometimes ponds) on the landscape. Tailings deposited as large piles can cause a variety of environmental problems: Slumps, landslides. Tailing piles can be unstable, and experience landslides. In 1966, in Aberfan, Wales, a hill of mining debris famously collapsed onto buildings, resulting in 144 deaths. There are also cases where wintertime avalanches occurred on tailings, with loss of life for residents below.Dust. Dry tailing deposits contain small particles that are picked up by the wind, transported, and deposited on communities nearby. In the tailings of some silver mines, arsenic and lead is present in the dust in high enough concentrations to cause serious health problems.Leaching. When rain falls on tailings, it leaches away materials that can create water pollution, for example, lead, arsenic, and mercury. Sulfuric acid is sometimes produced when water interacts with tailings, or it can be a by-product of ore processing. As a result, highly acidic water leaks from the tailings and disrupts aquatic life downstream. Tailings from copper and uranium mining often produce measurable levels of radioactivity. Tailing Ponds Some mining wastes become very fine after they have been ground up during processing. The fine particles are then generally mixed with water and piped into impoundments as a slurry or sludge. This method cuts down on dust problems, and at least in theory, the impoundments are engineered to let excess water flow out without leaking tailings. Coal ash, while not a type of tailing, is a coal burning by-product stored the same way, and carrying similar environmental risks. In reality, tailing ponds also carry several environmental risks: Dam failure. There have been numerous instances where the dam holding back the impoundment collapsed. The consequences to the aquatic communities below can be serious, for example in the case of the Mount Polly Mine Disaster. Leaks. Tailing ponds can be hundreds of acres in size, and in those cases, leaks into surface and ground waters are probably inevitable. The heavy metals, acids, and other contaminants end up polluting groundwater, lakes, streams, and rivers. Some very large ponds in Canada’s tar sands operations leak large amounts of tailings in the underlying soil, in the aquifer, and ultimately into the nearby Athabasca River.Wildlife exposure. Migrating waterfowl has been known to land on tailing ponds, and in some cases with dramatic consequences. In 2008, about 1,600 ducks died after landing on a tar sands tailing pond in Alberta, contaminated by floating bitumen, a tar-like substance. However, simple deterrent measures can reduce that risk significantly.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Metacomet (King Philips) War
Metacomet (King Philip's) War King Philips War - Background: In the years following the Pilgrims arrival and founding of Plymouth in 1620, the Puritan population of New England grew rapidly as new colonies and towns were founded. Through the first several decades of settlement, the Puritans maintained an uneasy but largely peaceful relationship with the neighboring Wampanoag, Narragansett, Nipmuck, Pequot, and Mohegan tribes. Treating each group separately, the Puritans bartered European products for Native American trade goods. As the Puritan colonies began to expand and their desire for trade goods lessened, the Native Americans began exchanging land for tools and weapons. In 1662, Metacomet became Sachem (chief) of the Wampanoag after the death of his brother Wamsutta. Though long distrustful of the Puritans, he continued to trade with them and attempted to maintain the peace. Adopting the English name Philip, Metacomets position became increasing tenuous as the Puritan colonies continued to grow and the Iroquois Confederation began encroaching from the west. Unhappy with Puritan expansion, he began planning attacks against outlying Puritan village in late 1674. Concerned about Metacomets intentions, one of his advisors, John Sassamon, a Christian convert, informed the Puritans. King Philips War - Death of Sassamon: Though Plymouth governor Josiah Winslow took no action, he was stunned to learn that Sassamon had been murdered in February 1675. After finding Sassamons body under the ice in Assawompset Pond, the Puritans received intelligence that he had been killed by three of Metacomets men. An investigation led to the arrest of three Wampanoags who were subsequently tried and convicted of the murder. Hung on June 8, their executions were viewed as an impingement on Wampanoag sovereignty by Metacomet. On June 20, possibly without Metacomets approval, a group of Wampanoags attacked the village of Swansea. King Philips War - Fighting Begins: Responding to this raid, Puritan leaders in Boston and Plymouth immediately dispatched as force which burned the Wampanoag town at Mount Hope, RI. As the summer progressed, the conflict escalated as additional tribes joined with Metacomet and numerous raids were launched against Puritan towns such as Middleborough, Dartmouth, and Lancaster. In September, Deerfield, Hadley, and Northfield were all attacked leading the New England Confederation to declare war on Metacomet on September 9. Nine days later a colonial force was beaten at the Battle of Bloody Brook as they sought to collect crops for the winter. Continuing the offensive, Native American forces attacked Springfield, MA on October 5. Overrunning the town, they burned majority of the settlements buildings while the surviving colonists took shelter in a blockhouse owned by Miles Morgan. This group held out until colonial troops arrived to relieve them. Seeking to stem the tide, Winslow led combined 1,000-man force of Plymouth, Connecticut, and Massachusetts militia against the Narragansetts in November. Though the Narragansetts had not been directly involved in the fighting, it was believed they were sheltering the Wampanoags. King Philips War - Native American Ascent: Marching through Rhode Island, Winslows force attacked a large Narragansett fort on December 16. Dubbed the Great Swamp Fight, the colonists killed around 300 Narragansetts for a loss of around 70. Though the attack critically damaged the Narragansett tribe, it led to the survivors openly joined with Metacomet. Through the winter of 1675-1676, the Native Americans raided numerous villages along the frontier. On March 12, they penetrated into the heart of Puritan territory and directly attacked Plymouth Plantation. Though turned back, the raid demonstrated their power. Two weeks later, a colonial company led by Captain Michael Pierce was surrounded and destroyed by Native American warriors in Rhode Island. On March 29, Metacomets men burned Providence, RI after it was abandoned by the colonists. As a result, the bulk of Rhode Islands Puritan population was forced to leave the mainland for the settlements of Portsmouth and Newport on Aquidneck Island. As the spring progressed, Metacomet was successful in driving the Puritans from many of their outlying villages and forced the settlers to seek the safety of the large towns. King Philips War - The Tide Turns: With the weather warming, Metacomets momentum began to fade as a shortage of supplies and manpower began to hamper his operations. Conversely, the Puritans worked to improve their defenses and began successful counterattacks against the Native American allies. In April 1676, colonial forces killed the Narragansett chief Canonchet, effectively taking the tribe out of the conflict. Allying with the Mohegan and Pequots of Connecticut, they successfully attacked a large Native American fishing camp in Massachusetts the following month. On June 12, another of Metacomets forces was beaten at Hadley. Unable to secure alliances with other tribes such as the Mohawk and short on provisions, Metacomets allies began to leave the ranks. Another bad defeat at Marlborough in late June hastened this process. As increasing numbers of Native American warriors began surrendering in July, the Puritans began dispatching raiding parties into Metacomets territory to bring the war to a conclusion. Retreating to Assowamset Swamp in southern Rhode Island, Metacomet hoped to regroup. On August 12, his party was attacked by Puritan force led by Captains Benjamin Church and Josiah Standish. In the fighting, a converted Native American, John Alderman, shot and killed Metacomet. Following the battle, Metacomet was beheaded and his body drawn and quartered. The head was returned to Plymouth where it was displayed atop Burial Hill for the next two decades. Metacomets death effectively ended the war though sporadic fighting continued into the next year. King Philips War - Aftermath: In the course of King Philips War, around 600 Puritan settlers were killed and twelve towns were destroyed. Native American losses are estimated at around 3,000. During the conflict, the colonists received little support from England and as a result largely financed and fought the war themselves. This aided in the early development of a separate colonial identity which would continue to grow over the next century. With the end of King Philips War, efforts to integrate colonial and Native American society effectively ended and a deep resentment took hold between the two groups. The defeat of Metacomet broke the back of Native American power in New England and the tribes never again posed a critical threat to the colonies. Though badly injured by the war, the colonies soon recovered the lost population and rebuilt the destroyed towns and villages. Selected Sources Society of Colonial War: King Philips WarGlobal Security: King Philips WarPilgrim Hall: King Philips War
Monday, February 17, 2020
Human Activities on Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Human Activities on Environment - Essay Example Human global population has tripled since 1936. The increase of population and growth of technology have jointly given rise to globalization. Human activity is the main cause of the current decline in the biosphere's rich diversity and productivity that support all life on earth. The global economy has sapped the meaning, value and significance of constraints of nature. Strawberries can be purchased in the mid of winter, thus we do not have to wait for the summers to come. In big cities, the ecosystem services of cleaning air and water, and decomposing sewage are controlled by humans with economical power. The sense of local has been destroyed by the globalization of telecommunications and politics. The lack of natural constraints has allowed humans, the superspecies to grow beyond the nature’s capacity. In the later half of the 20th century, the notion of environmentalism emerged with the increase of environmental pollution of all sorts caused by human activities. Proposed so lutions required humans to decide what to remove from and what to restore in the environment and make regulations accordingly. Much of the human perception about science is shaped by the results of lab experiments that are mere imitations of reality and can not imitate the context in which things happen in the nature.
Monday, February 3, 2020
Ethical Theories and Principles in Healthcare Essay
Ethical Theories and Principles in Healthcare - Essay Example Religious beliefs may go against this, but people must understand that sometimes it becomes crucial for the physicians to make the patient die with dignity and peace rather than leave him die in distress. This way, personal standards and personal beliefs of the physicians, at times, conflict with the demands of the patients. I believe that informed consent is an important ethical consideration that is about having the capable patient take part in making decisions about his healthcare and treatment process (Wear, 1992). . Confidentiality is also a crucial ethical issue, which must be maintained between patient and the physician during decision-making. My views best relate with two ethical frameworks: (1) Deontology, which focuses on that physicians should stick to their responsibilities when they are facing a dilemma in making ethical decisions. This will help them to make consistent decisions while adhering to their ethical obligations. (2) Utilitarianism, a theory that helps the phy sician in making choices whose consequences are better for the patient. He will make a decision that will yield greatest benefit to all
Sunday, January 26, 2020
The brander-krugman model
The brander-krugman model Extended Essay 1 The Brander-Krugman model, also known as the reciprocal dumping model, explains the possibility of international trade in a homogenous good. In doing so, it raises an interesting issue: is this apparently pointless trade socially beneficial? Meanwhile, Corden developed a more realistic customs union (CU) theory compared to orthodox theory by relaxing the assumption of constant marginal costs (MC). While the framework of these two models are similar, their conclusions are very different, the reasons for which are discussed further below. a) Both models are set in a partial equilibrium framework; the prices of all substitutes and complements of the good in question are assumed to be constant, as are the income levels of consumers, allowing for an easier analysis of welfare gains from the formation of the customs union (CU). Within this framework, there is a single producer in each of the CU countries that produces a homogenous good. The other similarity between the two models is that the tariffs set and faced by both countries (Home (H) and Partner (P)) before CU formation are equal .Thus, when the union is created a Common External Tariff (CET) already exists. Corden develops his model in further stages to include made-to-measure tariffs so that the CET has to be set upon CU formation. It is assumed that this will be set lower than the original tariffs that were imposed. The countries forming a CU in Cordens model are small relative to the rest of the world (R), implying that its formation will have no effect on world prices. In the Brander-Krugman model, all three countries (R is represented as one country) are identical in size. Symmetry is assumed between the firms in the Brander-Krugman model therefore the firms in each of the countries face the same constant marginal cost and domestic demand functions, contrary to Corden. Corden relaxes the assumption of constant marginal costs (MC) that is held in orthodox customs union theory, and assumes instead that the firms benefit from internal economies of scale and thus face declining marginal and average cost (AC) curves. Figure 1 shows that the minimum point of the firms AC curves is above the price paid for imports (pm). Hence a tariff is necessary to protect domestic production, which is set at T- pm and prevents R from importing to H and P. The domestic price being equal to the firms AC, they operate at a normal profit. The price received for exports (px) is assumed to be lower than pm as H and P also face tariffs. Therefore, their AC is greater than px and so they cannot export their goods either. Thus, unlike in the Brander-Krugman model, there is no international trade prior to CU formation. The main characteristic of the Brander-Krugman model is that the firms display Cournot behaviour the firms make decisions about their own output levels to maximise their profits assuming that the output levels of the other producers will not change[1]. This is not necessarily the case in Cordens model. b) The existence of internal economies of scale in Corden means that efficiency and welfare gains could be increased if a single firm increases its output and captures both markets following CU formation. This, along with the assumption that the firms face different cost functions, leads to the conclusion that the firm with the higher AC will exit the market and import the good from the firm that can produce it at a lower cost (this essay will assume that the partner firm exits the market). The assumption that the partner firm operated at a normal profit pre-CU indicates that there will be no loss of producer surplus and no welfare loss in P as it exits the market. Conversely, the symmetry between the firms in Cournot means that neither firm in the CU has a cost advantage over the other. Thus, both the home and partner countries benefit from CU formation by increasing trade with each other, resulting in an increase in output for both firms (Appendix, equation (1)). Although H and P have increased their overall output, the quantity they supply in each of their domestic markets decreases (equation 2). Although there is an overall gain in welfare in both models as a result of CU formation, the source of these gains differ. Both the home and partner countries experience a welfare gain from CU formation in Cournot given the symmetry, whereas only the home country benefits in Corden as the partner firm exits the market. In Cournot, the price falls in the markets (equation 3) and thus the welfare gain is largely reflected by an increase in consumer surplus (equation 4) in both the home and partner markets. The countries also lose welfare through a fall in tariff revenue (equation 5) and the firms profits may rise or fall depending on the elasticity of the aggregate demand in the CU (equation 6). However, Hs overall welfare gain is shown to be always positive (equation 7). In Corden, the assumption that the home and partner countries are small compared to the rest of the world implies that the CU firms are not large enough to compete with the outside firm and therefore the CU formation will not affect world prices. This, along with the assumption that the remaining firm within the CU maximises his profit by charging right up to the import-preventing price, which is the world price plus the CET, means that the price will remain unchanged. Thus, the increased welfare is due to an increase in the remaining firms producer surplus (figure 1, a+ß) as the fall in average cost (to J, figure 1) is not passed onto consumers. However, if made-to-measure tariffs are assumed and the CET is lower than both the initial tariffs, a price reduction will be induced in both countries and some of the welfare gain will be passed onto consumers. The symmetry in Cournot and differentiation in Corden also lead to different conclusions with respect to the impact on the rest of the world. In Corden, the CU formation does not affect Rs welfare under the assumption that there was no international trade pre-CU and there is still none post-CU. In Cournot, the fall in Rs output (equation 8) and the price drop in H and P impact negatively on the R firms profits (equation 9). As consumption and imports in R remain unchanged, Rs welfare is reduced. The main assumptions that lead to the different conclusions are those of symmetrical costs in Cournot and differentiation in Corden. This affects how the welfare gains are divided amongst the countries as well as how they are split between the producers and consumers. c) In discussing the appropriateness of the models to the EU situation, the relevance of the assumptions and the predicted results, and how the causes of these results compare with reality need to be considered. There are many studies that analyse how EU integration has affected trade flows in terms of trade creation and trade diversion. Trade creation is defined as intra-EU imports replacing domestic production; trade diversion as EU imports replacing imports from the rest of the world. By 1992, bilateral trade between any two EC countries was 65% higher than if the EC had not existed, supporting both models predictions that trade between the home and partner countries increases.[2] Over the period from 1959/60 to 1977, which includes both stages of integration for the EC and EFTA countries, annual trade creation was estimated at $20-31 billion and trade diversion at $5-8 billion.[3] This affirms the Cournot prediction that the partner firm would increase its imports to the home country at the expense of both domestic production and imports from the rest of the world. A study by the Single Market Review on the impact of the Single Market Programme (SMP) on trade creation and trade diversion gives a detailed insight into the relevance of the Corden and Cournot models to the EU situation.[4] Its data and analysis focuses on industries within the manufacturing sector, particularly the 15 industries that were likely to be particularly sensitive to the SMP.[5] Although there are some industries close to perfect competition with a concentration ratio of 0.00 or 0.01 such as clothing and boiler making most industries within the EU are relatively oligopolistic according to their average concentration ratios. The assumption of perfect information is unlikely to hold true. In many economic theories where this is assumed, it is highly unrealistic, especially with regards to the reactions of a firms competitors to the union formation. While Cournot assumes that firms face a constant MC, a 50% reduction in output from the minimum efficient scale of output led to an increase in AC, and therefore MC, in all the industries analysed, thus indicating the presence of economies of scale. The assumption that all firms display Cournot behaviour does not always hold in the context of the EU. Through a comparison of the changes in the price-cost margins and in the home firms market share in the domestic industry, it is evident that industries reacted in two very different ways. One group, including office machines and pharmaceutical products, experienced large cuts in their price-cost margins and a relatively small change in their market share, while the opposite is the case for the other group. It appears that the first group decided to reduce its prices instead of losing market share, implying that some firms do not compete on output but on price. However, the effect of changes in competitive behaviour by firms on market shares was extremely small for most industries and countries, though it was usually more important in the smaller EU countries.[6] Thus, changes in firms behaviour are relatively insignificant in affecting market shares, compared to other factors. The assumption of symmetrical firms is, again, an unrealistic one. Given that the country sizes within the EU are very different, it is highly likely that firms across the EU faced different market sizes and domestic demand functions before integration, and as a result, they are unlikely to be the same size or have the same cost functions. In terms of the impact of the CU formation on the industries, most of the results predicted in Cournot hold true from 1900-94, the period examined in this SMR report. The price-cost margins in the 15 sensitive industries fell by an average of 3.9%, while they fell by 3.6% in the manufacturing sector as a whole. The extent of this drop in each industry depends on the behaviour of the firms. The impact of the SMP on the respective market shares in the manufacturing sector as a whole is negative for the home industries, and positive for both the EU and the rest of the worlds market shares in the home country. Cournots model correctly predicted that the home firm would sell more while the partner firm would sell less in the home market. However, it predicts that the rest of the worlds share of the home market would fall. The SMR carried out two ex-post simulations; one with no direct external trade effects and one with. All of Cournots predictions regarding changes in the market shares hold true for the former simulation. However, the latter simulation is more accurate in reflecting the actual changes in market shares that were experienced over this integration period. This implies that the Cournot model does not take into account the increasing liberalisation of external trade over this period that also led to a reduction in extra-EU trade costs, either as a result of the CU formation or due to increasing globalisation. In terms of welfare, the changes support Cournots prediction that welfare increased in both H and P. The change in welfare measured as a percentage of GDP was greater than the percentage change in GDP in each of the EU countries analysed. The main goal of creating the single market in the EU was to increase its competitiveness with respect to large economies such as the USA through economies of scale. This implies that Cordens model should offer a more accurate picture of the EU. However, certain assumptions do not reflect the EUs characteristics. The assumption that the CU-forming countries are small may hold true for some of the EU countries; however, the implication of this that the customs union will be unable to affect world prices may not hold. Given the size of the EU, it is large enough to compete with the large economies such as the USA and Japan. Cordens predictions regarding changes in price and market shares are not appropriate to the EU situation, due to the strong assumptions that there was no international trade prior to the formation and thus no trade with the rest of the world after. Also, with the partner firm exiting the market, it is assumed that there is no increase in competition following CU formation, thus no change in the prices. However, there is evidence supporting the main conclusion of this model that the welfare gain is a result of restructuring, which leads to increasingly concentrated industries as firms can benefit from economies of scale as the size of the market that they have access to increases. Between 1987 and 1993, the four-firm concentration ratio increased by 2.3% across 71 industries in the EU.[7] This was partly due to increased restructuring; between 1987 and 1990, the percentage of MAs involving countries from two different member states jumped from 9.6% to 21.5% in anticipation of the Single Market. This replaced MAs within country borders which fell from 71.6% to 60.7% over the same period.[8] While it is true that EU industry concentration has increased, this is cannot be attributed solely to an expansion in the market size. Many industries already operated internationally in the 1980s and hence, a market size expansion would not have had as big an impact on the concentration level. The single market also led to a reduction in non-tariff barriers (especially barriers to entry) between EU member states, through public procurement liberalisation, increased ease of cross-border knowledge transfer and the free movement of capital. Cordens comparative static model fails to take into account the dynamic effects of EU integration. The aim of the SMP was much more ambitious than a mere elimination of the tariff barriers and thus both theories, which focus on the effects of a CU, are too simplistic to be wholly appropriate. Certain aspects of both models are comparable to the EU situation. However, Cordens model seems to be more suitable; while Cournots results regarding changes in the prices and respective market share were more accurate, Cordens underlying characteristics are much more appropriate to the current EU situation. 1 Friedman, James (1983), Oligopoly Theory, Cambridge University Press Frankel (1997) (Ali El-Agraa P175) Kreinin (1979b) (Ali El-Agraa P175 European Commission/CEPR (1997) Trade Creation and Trade Diversion, Subseries IV/ volume 3 of The Single Market Review Buigues, Ilzkovitz and Lebrun (1990) EC/CEPR, 1997, Trade creation and trade diversion Subseries V, Volume 4, Economies of Scale AMDATA in European Economy (1999)
Saturday, January 18, 2020
C20th Century Drama English Coursework Essay
This particular play is ‘A view from a Bridge’ written by Arthur Miller. Arthur Miller was born on October 17th, 1915, in New York City. His parents were both Illegal Immigrants in the United States, which links to the background of the play. A view from the Bridge was first produced as a one-act play in verse 1955; Arthur divorces his wife to marry his co-star actress Marilyn Monroe Miller has now become America’s world’s popular playwrights. Most of his plays are about the society and the responsibilities of its relation. But also in all the plays they hide a deep considerate of how people act and behave with the situation of life around them. These obstacles they face which they have to successfully defeat over. ‘A view from a Bridge’ has its roots in the late 1940’s when Miller was interested in the work and lives of New York. Miller purposely wanted the play to be a modern version of a Greek Tragedy, which a main character is faced with trying, daring situations, which cannot be escaped from. In this play a tragic hero commits an offence unexpectedly. He then learns from his misdeed and therefore must die for his actions. Then as it is a Greek Mythology the God’s restores the Universe. In this play the â€Å"Hero†is inked onto a man named Eddie Carbone. He is uniquely and ordinary everyday man. Courteous, hard working and a man that people liked. This play is themed on the background of Italian origins, which relates to the dispute of Italians and Americans. This is introduced with Alifieri’s Speech; â€Å"This is Red Hook not Sicily†¦ now we are civilised, quite American. Now we settle for half†¦. In no longer keep a pistol in my filling cabinet†This reflects with the context of the play and links with the storyline. It also reflects on the reason of the main cause concluding to the violence. The story is also based on the ‘American Dream’ that any person can accomplish what and no matter what upbringing culture or race. He has added this, as in that period of time the American Dream was quite popular which was appropriate for it to relate the aspects of their life. Arthur Miller has produced the main character being the lead role of the play. Eddie Carbone is an Italian Longshoreman working on the New York docks. Eddie is a simple hard workingman who worked on the piers. When his wife’s cousins were sent, Marco and Rodolfo, he agrees to refuge them as illegal immigrants from Sicily. First signs of disturbance are when Catherine starts to show attraction to Rodolfo, at this Eddie disapproves. This is because of Eddies over protectiveness towards Catherine. His possessive behaviour towards Catherine brings him to envy towards Rodolfo. Out of anger and rage at the end Eddie reported them to the Immigration Beaureu. In response of ferocity Marco decides to kill Eddie, but Eddie kills himself with the knife. In one section of evidence, which relates to his own downfall is the possessiveness of Catherine. Catherine is Eddie’s orphaned Niece. In the first scene the audience is immediately given the information that Eddie has a peculiar concern towards his niece. He mentions and details out of her dress sense and suggest it is too short. The evidence showing that he is overprotective is when he indicates that she is walking â€Å"wavy†. â€Å"I don’t like the looks they’re givin’ you in the candy store†¦ the heads are turnin’ like windmills. †In this it is brought immediately to the audience attention of the over protectiveness for his own nice. His concern and obssesiveness of his actions may have a hidden feelings that Eddie has for Catherine. An uncertainty of more than relative love is present with the way he feels for Catherine. Toe Eddie Catherine represents to him as â€Å"just a baby†and therefore she â€Å"does not understand these things†but this is a cover up for his possessive behaviour. In Act 1 page6-10 I suggest his behaviour is both possessive and protective but more possessive. As the conversation of Beatrice, Eddie and Catherine it shows that Eddie treats Catherine like a child, and not the rightful age that she should be treated. The relationship between Eddie and Catherine changes with the arrival of Marco and Rodolfo. As they talk and get to known each other Catherine shows an interest to Rodolfo as she keeps gesturing to Beatrice â€Å"He’s a real blond†He then sings to her â€Å"Paper Doll†, but in a kindest way Eddie tells him to stop. Also that is when the changes of Eddie’s behaviour begin. He embarrasses Catherine by telling her to ‘go ahead’ meaning get out. Eddie again tries to humiliate Catherine so that Rodolfo will lose interest by telling him that â€Å"she wants to be an actress†meaning she’s a drama queen. But Rodolfo flirts back by saying
Friday, January 10, 2020
Find Out Whos Concerned About Argumentative Essay Topics on Technology and Why You Should Be Paying Attention
Find Out Who's Concerned About Argumentative Essay Topics on Technology and Why You Should Be Paying Attention Explain whether Google has an effect on society. Getting literate in technology or the net is so popular that many believe it will no longer be essential to read conventional books as the principal source of material for education. Actually it is just one aspect of technology. Using technologies like the Internet for a teaching tool in schools really isn't the matter now because it is pervasively utilized. The government should work in collaboration with several stakeholders and the regional communities to conserve wildlife. Irrespective of this, a current survey proves that technology is initiating numerous difficulties. The fact remains the modern family is technology and societal media. To conclude, it is dependent on how you use technology. New Step by Step Roadmap for Argumentative Essay Topics on Technology Technology affects people throughout the Earth, both positively and negatively. It has become a part of our lives. You should clarify how some specific technology affects people. Today technology is quite significant in society for the reason that it makes life simpler to live on and less time consuming. Some topics which you might opt to utilize for your paper helping listed below. You are able to then practice replicating successful connections between ideas in your practice essays. Figure out which of the topics, you currently have a fairly good background on whic h will make it possible for you to have a relative edge. If you're looking for assistance with your essay then we provide a comprehensive writing service offered by fully qualified academics in your area of study. For instance, there are now thousands of absolutely free on-line courses readily available on YouTube that everyone can watch and learn from any place in the world. You've got Internet websites and library resources available. You may use several examples which can be found on the world wide web at no cost. Students use computers to produce presentations and also take advantage of the net to perform research on an assortment of topics for their essays and papers. The End of Argumentative Essay Topics on Technology Since you can see, several of the topics listed are new and tackle the recent issues happening in the World today. Therefore, the topic needs to be debatable! Also, selecting the most suitable topic is crucial. Selecting an emotional topic is also a super b idea. 1 aspect where the capacity of humans may initially be regarded as a case of deteriorating minds is the usage of net and mobile phones. The exact same issue is all about work. It's also required to mention lots of IT factors that have negative influence on the physiological condition and wellness of the student. One of the greatest approaches to change anybody's mind is with an emotional investment. Argumentative Essay Topics on Technology - What Is It? When it has to do with writing an argumentative essay, the most significant issue to do is to select a topic and an argument that you may really get behind. Some individuals say it does not have the sincerity of handwritten letters. They might think that the good content may be written on any topic and the paper success depends only on the mastery of the writer. Argumentative writings is a particular kind of a paper. An argumentative essay requires you to choose a topic and have a position on it. It will require you to take a particular stance about the topic you are writing about. Locating good essay topics you could discuss effectively and create powerful argumentative essays is a tough work. The Argumentative Essay Topics on Technology Trap There are invariably a wide selection of opinions on the topic of technology, and here are our favourite things to consider on this issue. Such usage is the sole clear evidence of understanding. Needless to say, you can observe the phenomena of human laziness alongside developed technology in some place. The reliance on technology ends in isolation. Prior exposure or knowledge about a specific subject provides better hindsight which may bring superior arguments on the issue. You're probably conscious of the basic arguments. Even if you think in a specific argument very strongly, if you lack the evidence to demonstrate your point, then your argument might just be as great as lost. Finding the most suitable arguments will allow you to prove your point and win. Many big businesses in the world are undergoing processes of modernization. Using alternative energy sources have for a lengthy time been discussed in various worldwide forums. There have been lots of studies done recently regarding how the modern family is being affected by technology and societal media. The most recent technologies additionally help to increase the creation of products and distinct crops. Some individuals even use computers to do each of the things they would like to do. A number of the TV's benefits that it might help the learners in various wa ys. Some people would rather find the most recent news through the net or TV. A good deal of people consider technology as the net.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Rugby Should be a School Sport Essay - 2091 Words
Rugby Should be a School Sport Imagine it is a Friday night underneath the lights, in October, and you are walking into a stadium packed with fans cheering. But the only noise you can hear is the sound of your cleats hitting the pavement as you are marching up to the field, and the only thing you see is the other team and the end zone. It is such a stimulating feeling, it is unforgettable. Now, you may think I am talking about an American football game, but I am not. I am talking about a rugby match. Believe it or not, football derived from rugby. Differences are in rugby, there are no pads, the ball does not have laces, fifteen men to a side, and above all else, it is an international sport and it is safe compared to football. How come†¦show more content†¦President Barack Obama is worried about the future of the sport, he told interviewer Homa Khaleeli with The Guardian. â€Å"He said if hed had sons he would have thought long and hard before allowing them to take up the national sport, insisting the game should become less violent, and adding that he was particularly anxious about college players.†(Khaleeli). One study that The Guardian used to expose the trauma that football players receive is that out of 35 football players that was examined, 34 showed signs of brain trauma. â€Å"In rugby, players are taught to use their arms to wrap a players legs and let the momentum of that player cause him to go to ground. Furthermore, in rugby there is no blocking, and so players who dont have the ball dont get hit when theyre not expecting it.†(Micheli). Lyle Micheli is a doctor of fifty years and played rugby himself, he stated the tackling technique that is used in rugby because he wanted to expose that the technique is very different and much safer than how football players tackle. â€Å"To be sure, rugby players get lots of bloody noses, chipped teeth, broken fingers but they like to show off these injuries, so one might come under the impression that rugby is a very rough sport.†(Mckenna). Jim Mckenna is a doctor and rugby coach. He brought up a valid point, sure rugbyShow MoreRelatedA Letter To Associated Students Of Western Oregon University1216 Words  | 5 PagesI was going to a small school, and I wanted that. I know only 5,382 students go to Western and that is not much bigger than my high school.The reason I came was for the Western for the WOU womens rugby team. When I came to WOU, I expected more support from the school and am very disappointed. Did you know that the Western Oregon womens rugby team has gone to the conference finals three years in a row? And in 2015 and 2016, they were back-to-back champions? Yet the rugby team and other clubs getRead MoreSocialization In Sport1091 Words  | 5 PagesSport has a lot of positive avenue not only for socialization, but it can be also for maintaining impact the life of others around you, it is also healthy for you. Sport has impact a lot of peo ple lives, and it help build their confidence and find out who they truly are as a person. â€Å"The explanation of Socialization is based on a social interaction model, that is organized around a combination or cultural, interactionist, and structural theories†(52). this text from the book explains the impactRead MoreTouch Football Participation Sociology (Explained using Figueroas framework)1458 Words  | 6 Pagesand backgrounds. Touch began as a training game for the two rugby codes during the 1950s and 60s it was never seen as a sport in its own right. Today touch enjoys a healthy level of participation both on a national front, with World Cups and Trans Tasman competitions as part of the representative calendar. Despite the popularity of the sport throughout Australia, ILC has struggled to lure significant student numbers to their school teams. This report endeavours to identify the major sociologicalRead MoreTeam Football, Lacrosse, Rugby, Soccer, And American Football1454 Words  | 6 Pagessocieties across the globe. Athletics affect everyones life, whether that be playing the sport, watching games, or hearing about a sporting event. There is a big difference between playing an individual sport and players relying on their own athletic abilities versus a team sport when members of the team rely on their teammates to complete each individuals specific responsibility to reach the teams goal. Team sports bring people together in countless ways, and they teach many life skills for the athletesRead MoreThe Effects Of Concussion Within Ks3 Rugby And Discuss The Signs And Symptoms It Has On Young Athletes Essay1037 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Within this assignment I will be exploring the influence of concussion within KS3 rugby and discuss the signs and symptoms it has on young athletes and the impact it has on their return to physical activity. Understanding concussion Before we can recognize the symptoms, we must first understand what concussion actually is. Minor traumatic brain injury (Mtbi) is the medical term used when there is a sudden onset but brief loss of cognitive function that occurs after a blow or other moderateRead MoreGender, Race and Sexuality: The Importance of Equality at a Young Age1707 Words  | 7 Pages Introduction Gender, race and sexuality are highly contested terrains of identity within society and within sport. They are interlocking systems of subjugation that cause inequalities across such identity terrains, and are constantly challenged through social interaction. A particular form of social interaction that challenges such terrains is through club and subculture songs. A subculture consists of â€Å"styles†that are marked out by objects, rituals and fashion used by groups in such a wayRead MoreGender Inequality in Womens Rugby1181 Words  | 5 Pageslike sports stereotypes, and labour force conflict cannot be understood without understanding the term of identity. Identity work is explained by Schwalbe and Mason-Schrock in 1996 as â€Å"anything people do, individually or collectively, to give meaning to themselves or others†(as cited in Ezzell, 2009, p. 1). I propose to examine inequality based on gender identity and in depth the process of stereotype issues, - how p eople construct stereotypes in gender inequality in the context of sport- amongRead MoreIs Sport An Important Part Of Nz Culture?1222 Words  | 5 PagesIs sport an important part of nz culture? New Zealand has a very unique and a dynamic culture. Our culture is mixed and each one has its importance in our society. I think sports has played a part in our identity, but it is our culture that make us who we are. Maori culture is indigenous, and in sports we can incorporate aspects of Maori language and movements, such as, the He tama tu tama activity. I have also seen children playing the Maori version of head, shoulders, knees and toes, which is veryRead MoreHow Can We Make School Rugby League Safer?1427 Words  | 6 Pagesprofessional rugby player is mentally and physically tough, it can either make you lots of money or put you in a wheelchair for the rest of your life. Its amazing how rugby players put their life on the line every single time they step on the field, why do they do that, simple, because its not just a game to them, it s a way of life. The main reason people turn down rugby is because it’s violent and can ruin your life, and that s just the reason for my research question, ‘How can we make school rugby leagueRead MoreNutritional Knowledge And Athletes : Nutrition1661 Words  | 7 Pagesnutritional habits. There was one study that examined male collegiate athletes and their knowledge about protein needs while another looked for a correlation between nutritional knowledge and nutritional habits in professional rugby players. A third study looked at the effect of a sports dietitian and gender differences on nutritional habits for collegiate athletes. In the following paragraphs, these three studies will be discussed in further detail. Protein is one of the three macronutrients required
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