Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Inclusion Programs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Inclusion Programs - Essay Example As the report declares co-teaching methods are under constant research. The effectiveness in its completeness can not yet be ascertained as far as this model is concerned. But many a benefit are found to surface by co-teaching process. Co-teaching is a model in which a team of teachers get themselves involved in the development of heterogeneous learners. The team normally does not accept mere inclusion of students with disabilities in a general classroom. The team members assess, evaluate, and locate the actual needs of individual students and act after planning to meet their needs. This paper stresses that inclusion programs for students with disabilities in regular class rooms do not give any tailor-made solutions. However, the inclusion of disabled students in regular classrooms are widely gaining support among all concerned. Several factors are to be taken into account in the philosophy of inclusion. Some are: Age-appropriate placement, Social integration, Curricular expectations, Staff development, Team collaboration and classroom management. While giving much weight to the smooth running of the class, the legal support available for a parent to get his/her kid continued in the regular class room must also have to be considered without causing any damage to the general education process. Appraisal of parents with the fact that individual needs of the students with disabilities are keenly observed and strived hard to meet them to the maximum possible extent would ease the situations in many cases.

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