Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Pros and Cons of Life in Communist East Germany in...
On the whole, does Goodbye, Lenin paint a positive or negative picture of life in communist East Germany? East Germany, its demise relayed through the mass media of recent history, has in popular consciousness been posited as negative, a corrupt bulwark of the last dying days of Communism in Eastern Europe, barren and silent. The other Germany to its West, its citizens free, was striding confidently ahead into the millennium. Recent cinema has sought to examine re-unification, the Wolfgang Becker film Goodbye Lenin! (2003) a recent example of such an investigation into the past through cinema. In this essay I will look at the film and the narrative techniques it uses, probing whether it portrays the East German nation as positive or†¦show more content†¦Goodbye Lenin! (2003) appropriates the individual as bound to his environment, threaded, through strong cultural codes, to his neighbour. Regardless of the system, communist or capitalist, and though our goals may deviate, we are all pursuing happiness and comfort, the tools used to attain this products of that society. That said , it is immediately legible whereabouts Becker wishes us to view the East German state as wholly negative, and he does this through several key scenes. At the films opening, we learn of the first East German shot into space, surely an apotheosis of what a state can achieve, its grasp extending to the stars. But behind the curtain of this vast achievement we can see how it is brought about through the utter bending of citizens to the states will. Alexs mother Christiane, who we first assume the innocent of the piece, is interrogated by the Stasi for her husband has fled the country. We learn he was unable to live with a state he detested, the ordeal of the interrogation so testing for Christiane it sends her into a coma. Her husband and the children?s father absent, she finds a kinship with the state, now one of its most vociferous supporters. The absence of the father is particularly imbued with purpose. Later, Becker seeks to equate the death of communism with the return of the father for the two are so inextricably connected. Only when the German Democratic Republic (GDR) is laid to rest can this dark chapterShow MoreRelatedOrgani sational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pagesthe support of the various organizations that provide you with everything from food and clothing to water, fuel, shelter, health care, education, transport and so on. Could you cope, either physically or psychologically? Probably not! Certainly, your life would change drastically. Indeed, many activities in any society usually require people to socially interact in various ways and, to a degree, cooperate and coordinate their efforts with some sense of purpose. This seems to be the case whether we are
Monday, December 16, 2019
Night World Huntress Chapter 7 Free Essays
She emerged on the rooftop. There was a sort of roof garden here-anyway, a lot of scraggly plants in large wooden tubs. There was also some dirty patio furniture and other odds and ends. We will write a custom essay sample on Night World : Huntress Chapter 7 or any similar topic only for you Order Now But the main feature was a small structure that sat on the roof the way a house sits on a street. Morgead’s home. The penthouse. It was as stark and unlovely as the rest of the building, but it had a great view and it was completely private. There were no other tall buildings nearby to look down on it. Jez moved stealthily toward the door. Her feet made no noise on the pitted asphalt of the roof, and she was in a state of almost painfully heightened awareness. In the old days sneaking up on another gang member had been a game. You got to laugh at them if you could startle them, and they got to be furious and humiliated. Today it wasn’t a game. Jez started toward the warped wooden door-then stopped. Doors were trouble. Morgead would have been an idiot not to have rigged it to alert him to intruders. Cat-quiet, she headed instead for a narrow metal ladder that led to the roof of the wooden structure. Now she was on the real top of the building. The only thing higher was a metal flagpole without a She moved noiselessly across the new roof. At the far edge she found herself looking four stories straight down. And directly below her there was a window. An open window. Jez smiled tightly. Then she hooked her toes over the four-inch lip at the edge of the roof and dropped gracefully forward. She grabbed the top of the window in mid-dive and hung suspended, defying gravity like a bat attached upside down. She looked inside. And there he was. Lying on a futon, asleep. He was sprawled on his back, fully clothed in jeans, high boots, and a leather jacket. He looked good. Just like the old days, Jez thought. When the gang would stay out all night riding their bikes and hunting or fighting or partying, and then come home in the morning to scramble into clothes for school. Except Morgead, who would smirk at them and then collapse. He didn’t have parents or relatives to keep him from skipping. I’m surprised he’s not wearing his helmet, too, she thought, pulling herself back up to the roof. She picked up the fighting stick, maneuvered it into the window, then let herself down again, this time hanging by her hands. She slid in without making a noise. Then she went to stand over him. He hadn’t changed. He looked exactly as she remembered, except younger and more vulnerable because he was asleep. His face was pale, making his dark hair seem even darker. His lashes were black crescents on his cheeks. Evil and dangerous, Jez reminded herself. It annoyed her that she had to remind herself of what Morgead was. For some reason her mind was throwing pictures at her, scenes from her childhood while she was living here in San Francisco with her Uncle Bracken. A five-year-old Jez, with shorter red hair that looked as if it had never been combed, walking with a little grimy-faced Morgead, hand in hand. An eight-year-old Jez with two skinned knees, scowling as a businesslike Morgead pulled wood splinters out of her legs with rusty tweezers. A seven-year-old Morgead with his face lit up in astonishment as Jez persuaded him to try the human thing called ice cream†¦. Stop it, Jez told her brain flatly. You might as well give up, because it’s no good. We were friends then-well, some of the time-but we’re enemies now. He’s changed. I’ve changed. He’d kill me in a second now if it would suit his purpose. And I’m going to do what has to be done. She backed up and poked him lightly with the stick. â€Å"Morgead.†His eyes flew open and he sat up. He was awake instantly, like any vampire, and he focused on her without a trace of confusion. Jez had changed her grip on the stick and was standing ready in case he went straight into an attack. But instead, a strange expression crossed his face. It went from startled recognition into something Jez didn’t understand. For a moment he was simply staring at her, eyes big, chest heaving, looking as if he were caught in between pain and happiness. Then he said quietly, â€Å"Jez.†â€Å"Hi, Morgead.†â€Å"You came back.†Jez shifted the stick again. â€Å"Apparently.†He got up in one motion. â€Å"Where the hell have you been?†Now he just looked furious, Jez noted. Which was easier to deal with, because that was how she remembered him. â€Å"I can’t tell you,†she said, which was perfectly true, and would also annoy the life out of him. It did. He shook his head to get dark hair out of his eyes-it was always disheveled in the morning, Jez remembered-and glared at her. He was standing easily: not in any attack posture, but with the relaxed readiness that meant he could go flying in any direction at any moment. Jez kept half her mind on watching his leg muscles. â€Å"You can’t tell me? You disappear one day without any kind of warning, without even leaving a note†¦ you leave the gang and me and just completely vanish and nobody knows where to find you, not even your uncle .. . and now you reappear again and you can’t tell me where you were?†He was working himself into one of his Extremely Excited States, Jez realized. She was surprised; she’d expected him to stay cooler and attack hard. â€Å"What did you think you were doing, just cutting out on everybody? Did it ever occur to you that people would be worried about you? That people would think you were dead?†It didn’t occur to me that anyone would care, Jez thought, startled. Especially not you. But she couldn’t say that. â€Å"Look, I didn’t mean to hurt anybody. And I can’t talk about why I went. But I’m back now-â€Å" â€Å"You can’t just come back!†Jez was losing her calm. Nothing was going the way she’d expected; the things she’d scripted out to say weren’t getting said. â€Å"I know I can’t just come back-â€Å" â€Å"Because it doesn’t work that way!†Morgead was pacing now, tossing hair out of his eyes again as he turned to glare at her. â€Å"Blood in, blood out. Since you’re apparently not dead, you abandoned us. You’re not allowed to do that! And you certainly can’t expect to just walk back in and become my second again-â€Å" â€Å"I don’t!†Jez yelled. She had to shut him up. â€Å"I have no intention of becoming your second-in-command!†she said when he finally paused. â€Å"I came to challenge you as leader.†Morgead’s jaw dropped. Jez let her breath out. That wasn’t exactly how she’d planned to say it. But now, seeing his shock, she felt more in control. She leaned casually against the wall, smiled at him, and said smoothly, ‘I was leader when I left, remember.†â€Å"You†¦ have got to be †¦ joking.†Morgead stared at her. â€Å"You expect to waltz back in here as leader?†â€Å"If I can beat you. I think I can. I did it once.†He stared for another minute, seeming beyond words. Then he threw back his head and laughed. It was a scary sound. When he looked at her again, his eyes were bright and hard. â€Å"Yeah, you did. I’ve gotten better since then.†Jez said three words. â€Å"So have I.†And with that, everything changed. Morgead shifted position-only slightly, but he was now in a fighting stance. Jez felt adrenaline flow through her own body. The challenge had been issued and accepted; there was nothing more to say. They were now facing each other ready to fight. And this she could deal with. She was much better at fighting than at playing with words. She knew Morgead in this mood; his pride and his skill had been questioned and he was now absolutely determined to win. This was very familiar. Without taking his eyes from her, he reached out and picked a fighting stick from the rack behind him. Japanese oak, Jez noted. Heavy, well-seasoned, resilient. Good choice. The fire-hardened end was very pointy. He wouldn’t try to use that first, though. First, he would go for disarming her. The simplest way to do this was to break the wrist of her dominant hand. After that he’d go for critical points and nerve centers. He didn’t play around at this. A minute change in Morgead’s posture alerted her, and then they were both moving. He swung his stick up and down in a perfect arc, aiming for her right wrist. Jez blocked easily with her own stick and felt the shock as wood clashed with wood. She instantly changed her grip and tried for a trap, but he whipped his stick out of the way and was facing her again as if he’d never moved in the first place. He smiled at her. He’s right. He’s gotten better. A small chill went through Jez, and for the first time she worried about her ability to beat him. Because I have to do it without killing him, she thought. She wasn’t at all sure he had the same concern about not killing her. â€Å"You’re so predictable, Morgead,†she told him. â€Å"I could fight you in my sleep.†She feinted toward his wrist and then tried to sweep his legs out from underneath him. He blocked and tried for a trap. â€Å"Oh, yeah? And you hit like a four-year-old. You couldn’t take me down if I stood here and let you.†They circled each other warily. The snakewood stick was warm in Jez’s hands. It was funny, some distant part of her mind thought irrelevantly, how the most humble and lowly of human weapons was the most dangerous to vampires. But it was also the most versatile weapon in the world. With a stick, unlike a knife or gun or sword, you could fine-tune the degree of pain and injury you caused. You could disarm and control attackers, and-if the circumstances required it-you could inflict pain without permanently injuring them. Of course if they were vampires, you could also kill them, which you couldn’t do with a knife or gun. Only wood could stop the vampire heart permanently, which was why the fighting stick was the weapon of choice for vampires who wanted to hurt each other†¦ and for vampire hunters. Jez grinned at Morgead, knowing it was not a particularly nice smile. Her feet whispered across the worn oak boards of the floor. She and Morgead had practiced here countless times, measuring themselves against each other, training themselves to be the best. And it had worked. They were both masters of this most deadly weapon. But no fight had ever mattered as much as this one. â€Å"Next you’re going to try for a head strike,†she informed Morgead coolly. â€Å"Because you always do.†â€Å"You think you know everything. But you don’t know me anymore. I’ve changed,†he told her, just as calmly-and went for a head strike. â€Å"Psyche,†he said as she blocked it and wood clashed with a sharp whack. â€Å"Wrong.†Jez twisted her stick sharply, got leverage on his, and whipped it down, holding it against his upper thighs. â€Å"Trap.†She grinned into his face. And was startled for a moment. She hadn’t been this close to him in a long time. His eyes-they were so green, gem-colored, and full of strange light. For just an instant neither of them moved; then-weapons down, their gazes connected. Their faces were so close their breath mingled. Then Morgead slipped out of the trap. â€Å"Don’t try that stuff,†he said nastily. â€Å"What stuff?†The moment her stick was free of his, she snapped it up again, reversing her grip and thrusting toward his eyes. â€Å"You know what stuff!†He deflected her thrust with unnecessary force. â€Å"That I’m Jez and I’m so wild and beautiful’ stuff. That ‘Why don’t you just drop your stick and let me hit you because it’ll be fun’ stuff.†â€Å"Morgead†¦ what are you†¦ talking about?†In between the words she attacked, a strike to his throat and then one to his temple. He blocked and evaded-which was just what she wanted. Evasion. Retreat. She was crowding him into a corner. â€Å"That’s the only way you won before. Trying to play on people’s feelings for you. Well, it won’t work anymore!†He countered viciously, but it didn’t matter. Jez blocked with a whirlwind of strikes of her own, pressing him, and then he had no choice but to retreat until his back was against the corner. She had him. She had no idea what he meant about playing on people’s feelings, and she didn’t have time to think about it. Morgead was dangerous as a wounded tiger when he was cornered. His eyes were glowing emerald green with sheer fury, and there was a hardness to his features that hadn’t been there last year. He does hate me, Jez thought. Hugh was wrong. He’s hurt and angry and he absolutely hates me. The textbook answer was to use that emotion against him, to provoke him and get him so mad that he gave her an opening. Some instinct deep inside Jez was worried about that, but she didn’t listen. â€Å"Hey, all’s fair, right?†she told him softly. â€Å"And what do you mean, it won’t work? I’ve got you, haven’t I?†She flashed out a couple of quick attacks, more to keep him occupied than anything else. â€Å"You’re caught, and you’re going to have to let down your guard sometime.†The green eyes that had been luminous with fury suddenly went cold. The color of glacier ice. â€Å"Unless I do something unexpected,†he said. â€Å"Nothing you do is unexpected,†she said sweetly. But her mind was telling her that provoking him had been a mistake. She had hit some nerve, and he was stronger than he’d been a year ago. He didn’t lose his temper under pressure the way he’d used to. He just got more determined. Those green eyes unnerved her. Move in hard, she thought. All out. Go for a pressure point. Numb his arm- But before she could do anything, a wave of Power hit her. It sent her reeling. She’d never felt anything exactly like it. It came from Morgead, a Shockwave of telepathic energy that struck her like a physical thing. It knocked her back two steps and made her struggle for balance. It left the air crackling with electricity and a faint smell of ozone. Jez’s mind spun. How had he done that? â€Å"It’s not hard,†Morgead said in a calm, cold voice that went with his eyes. He was out of the corner by now, of course. For a moment Jez thought he was reading her thoughts, but then she realized her question must be written all over her face. ‘It’s something I discovered after you left,†he went on. â€Å"All it takes is practice.†If you’re telepathic, Jez thought. Which I’m not anymore. The Night People are getting stronger, developing more powers, she thought. Well, Hugh had been right on that one. And she was in trouble now. Whack! That was Morgead going for a side sweep. He’d noticed her lack of balance. Jez countered automatically, but her head wasn’t clear and her body was ringing with pain. He’d shaken her, distracted her. â€Å"As you said, all’s fair,†Morgead said, with a small, cold smile on his lips. â€Å"You have your weapons. I have mine.†And then he threw another of those Shockwaves at her. Jez was better braced for it now, but it still rocked her on her feet, took her attention off her weapon- Just long enough for her to screw up and let him in. He drove upward to catch her stick from below. Then he twisted, sweeping her stick in a circle, forcing her off balance again, trying to topple her backward. As Jez fought to recover, he struck to her elbow. Hard. Wham! It was a different sound from the crisp whack when wood hit wood. This was softer, duller, the sound of wood hitting flesh and bone. Jez heard her own involuntary gasp of pain. Fire shot up her arm, into her shoulder, and for a moment she lost her grip on the stick with her right hand. She forced her fingers to close on it again, but they were numb. She couldn’t feel what she was holding. She couldn’t block properly with one arm useless. And Morgead was advancing, that deadly cold light in his eyes. Absolutely merciless. His movements were relaxed and easy; he knew exactly what he was doing now. Two more whacks and he got through her guard again. The oak stick slammed into her ribs and she felt another wave of sickening pain. Gray dots danced in front of her eyes. Fractured? Jez wondered briefly. She hoped not. Vampires could break each other’s ribs in fun and know that everything would heal in a day or two. But Jez wouldn’t recover like that. Morgead might kill her without even meaning to. She couldn’t let him keep striking her-but she couldn’t retreat, either. If he got her into a corner, she’d be lost. Whack-wham. He got her on the knee. Pain sparked up and down her leg, lighting every nerve. She had no choice but to back up. He was crowding her relentlessly, forcing her to the wall. Morgead flashed a smile at her. Not the cold smile. This one was brilliant, and very familiar to Jez. It made him look devastatingly handsome, and it meant that he was in absolute command of the situation. â€Å"You can give up anytime, now,†he said. â€Å"Because I’m going to win and we both know it.†How to cite Night World : Huntress Chapter 7, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Improve Australia renewable energy project - MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Improve Australia renewable energy project. Answer: Introduction Renewable power sources have the potentiality to augment and supply the electricity generating systems based on the nuclear power and fossil fuels. According to Martin and Rice (2015), renewable energy is generally associated with the technologies that are designed to acquire the required energy from the different source. These sources are inexhaustible on the human timescales, such as solar energy, hydro energy, bio-energy, and geothermal energy. It is evident that electricity accounts for almost 40% of the total primary sources of energy. The annual growth rate is up to 2.7%, which indicates that the demands for electricity grow faster than any other energy sources (Aph.gov.au, 2017). The debate regarding the demands of renewable energy is never ending. However, the study would develop the argumentative contexts based on the preferences for renewable energy and coal-fired power stations. The comparisons between these two energy sources would be presented in this study to make the i nsightful ideas about the future energy prospects. Analysis of Renewable Energy Countries like Australia is well endowed with the various ranges of the renewable energy resources, especially tidal in the north, wind in the south, solar system, and the geothermal in the centre. The report obtained from Energy Strategies for the Clean Energy Future Groups study highlights that the renewable energies collected from the various sources could supply over half of the Australian electricity by 2040 (Lenzen et al., 2016). In fact, it reduces almost 80% of the CO2 emissions from the generation of electricity. If it is calculated for the long term basis, it is notable that the renewable energy could supply almost 100% of the entire grid electricity. The use of the renewable energy is one of the hottest debates in Australian parliament. It is stated that the technological improvement in current era helped in generating more energy sources to produce the renewable energy and prevent the waste (Warren, Christoff Green, 2016). The renewable energy is sustainable and it accel erates development for future. On the other hand, in Australia, the rapid growth in the wind power electricity. The following graph would show the growth of the wind power electricity worldwide. Graph 1: Growth of Wind Power Electricity (Source: Science.org.au. 2009) The above graph is providing the insights about the considerable growth in wind power electricity generation. It is noticeable that the wind turbine market in Australia derives more benefits from the new push for sustainable energy. Therefore, it can be expected that such wind energy would provide the largest share of the targeted 20% of the entire renewable energy by the year of 2020. Benefits of Selecting Renewable Energy over Coal-fired Power Stations The extensive research on the renewable energy sources reflects that it has many positive impacts on the humans. The technological advancements have improved the environmental, economic, and health aspects by producing more energy resources. This section of the study would out forward the ideas of the considerable benefits derived from solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, and biomass energy. Lesser level of the Global Warming It has been observed that the environment or the atmosphere is highly affected by the huge emissions of carbon dioxide and other pollutants. As a result, the global warming is considerably increasing day by day. It is reported that about 29% of the global warming emission caused from the electricity centre in US (Parvareh et al., 2014). This emission was produced mostly from the natural gas and coals. On the contrary, renewable energies do not produce the global warming gas. In fact, it is even reported that the during the life cycle emissions of clean energy, for instance during the manufacturing, decommissioning, installation, and operation, renewable energy create the minimal emission of global warming gas. However, Hosseini and Wahid (2016) argued that renewable electricity generated from biomass can have the higher level of global warming emissions if the resources are not sustainably sourced or harvested (Su, Wang Roh, 2014). The following chart highlights the various sources of the energy can produce the global warming gases. Graph 2: Various Energy Sources producing global warming gases (Source: Union of Concerned Scientists, 2017) The obtained ideas from the above graph indicate that the various sources of the renewable energy create pollution and increasing the level of global warming to some extent. However, the effect is comparatively lower than the other sources of energy, such as fossil fuel. The increasing supply of the renewable energy enables the replacement of the carbon-intensive energy sources that helps in reducing US global warming emissions. Improvement of the Public health It is noticed that the emissions of the natural gas and coals pollute the air and water and lead to several medical issues, such as heart attack, breathing problem, premature death, cancer, and so on. The research conducted by Harvard University reported that the pollutants like coals and life cycle costs affected the human health in a significant way. It was estimated that almost $74.6 billion lives have been affected by the emissions of huge amount of natural gas and coals every year (Buonocore et al., 2016). This amount is equivalent to 4.36 cents per kilowatt-hour of produced electricity (Butterworth, Subramaniam Phang, 2015). This amount is enough for causing health damage. In fact, it is exclaimed that most of the negative health impacts are sourced from the water and air pollution. On the contrary, the electricity produced from the hydroelectric system, thermal power, wind and solar system are pollution free and do not create damage to human health in compare to other resourc es. It is notable that the solar and wind energy do not require any water to operate due to which it is free from the pollution. It is anticipated that with the use of the biomass and geothermal sources, the withdrawal and water consumptions would decrease much significantly in future. In exhaustible energy Ellabban, Abu-Rub and Blaabjerg (2014) explained that sunny skies, strong winds, heat from the earth, abundant plant matter, and fast-moving water can supply the constant and vast replenished energy resources. Therefore, it can be predicted that the appropriate use of these resources would supply the required electricity and energy services in future whenever in crisis. It can even provide the significant electricity needs in spite of accounting some of the potential constraints. Economic Benefits As far as the comparison between the fossil fuel and renewable energy is concerned, the latter accounts for more labor intensive approach. On the other hand, it is also recognizable that producing the fossil fuel technologies is more capital and mechanized intensive than the renewable sources. The solar panel installation depends on the efforts of human whereas the wind farms need skilled technicians for the maintenance purposes. Hence, it depicts the idea that individuals have more job opportunities by generating renewable sources than the production of fossil fuels. In countries like United States, Australia, and UK, the jobs related to the renewable energy extraction are much significant (Newell, Sandstrm Sderholm, 2017). In addition to this, renewable energy contributes commendably in increasing rate of the employment opportunities. It is assumed that generation of the renewable energy can contribute a significant rise to the employment opportunities as well as equivalent amount of electricity by the year of 2025. On the contrary, the entire coal industry hired almost 160,000 people in the year of 2016 (Union of Concerned Scientists, 2017). Stable pricing structure of the energy resources Renewable energy has been remarkably offering the affordable electricity all across the country. This affordability is quite beneficial in stabilizing the energy prices in future. Weitemeyer et al., (2015) mentioned that in spite of the higher upfront investment in building the renewable facilities, it can be operated at very lower costs. Therefore, it is predicted that the prices of the renewable energy would be stable in the upcoming future. On the other hand, it is noticed that the costs of the technologies used for producing renewable energy have declined in a steady way and projected to drop more as well. For instance, between the years of 2010 to 2017, the average price of the solar installation technology dropped more than 70% whereas the costs of generating the electricity from wind dropped almost 66% between the years of 2009 to 2016 (Union of Concerned Scientists, 2017). It is anticipated that the costs would even decline more in future and the companies would take the cons iderable advantages of economies of scale. However, on the contrary, it is even noticed that the price of the fossil fuels can vary in diverse ways. The substantial price swings are expected in this aspect. The following graph would highlight the rapid increase and rapid fall of the coal prices Graph 3: Rise and fall of Coal Prices (Source: Union of Concerned Scientists, 2017) The above graph clearly portrays that due to the increasing global demand in the year of 2008, the coal prices in US experienced a rapid increase. Even shortly after 2008, this increased coal price faced the rapid fall after the declines in the global demands. Similarly, the prices of the natural gas also fluctuated in a significant way. Therefore, it can be stated that the renewable energy is quite significant for the future prospects even more than the energy produced from the fossil fuels or coals. Conclusion The study generates provides the insights of the effectiveness of using renewable energy. The extensive research on the subject area highlights that the coal-fired power station is one of the major sources for energy generation, but the availability is uncertain. On the other hand, despite of few disadvantages, the renewable energy generation is significantly sustainable. In fact, the renewable energy generation is quite opportune for increasing the employment rate in future. On the contrary, the coal-fired power station creates more pollution that affects the environment, human health, and economic growth as well. Hence, it is predicted that the future should be linked to renewable energy. Recommendation In spite of benefits derived from the renewable energy generation, it has been observed that some of the risks are also signified as the major area of concerns. Therefore, the following recommendations can be taken into consideration to ensure more productive approach for the future. The policy makers need to develop more sound approaches to generate the renewable energy from the wind power. It is anticipated that taking a long-term approach to the technological development would facilitate more solar electric generation within a shorter time. The use of the photovoltaic (PV) facilities is much significant in terms of generating most of the solar energy. Therefore, it is essential to prepare for much greater penetration of generating PV facilities. The establishment of the efficient subsidies for the solar deployment is also recommended. References Aph.gov.au, (2017). [online] Available at: https://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/Browse_by_Topic/ClimateChangeold/responses/mitigation/emissions/renewable [Accessed 22 Jan. 2018]. Buonocore, J. J., Luckow, P., Norris, G., Spengler, J. D., Biewald, B., Fisher, J., Levy, J. I. (2016). Health and climate benefits of different energy-efficiency and renewable energy choices.Nature Climate Change,6(1), 100-105. Butterworth, S., Subramaniam, N., Phang, M. M. (2015). Carbon Risk Management: A Comparative Case Study of Two Companies within the Australian Energy Sector.Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research,13(1), 9. Ellabban, O., Abu-Rub, H., Blaabjerg, F. (2014). Renewable energy resources: Current status, future prospects and their enabling technology.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,39, 748-764. Hosseini, S. E., Wahid, M. A. (2016). Hydrogen production from renewable and sustainable energy resources: Promising green energy carrier for clean development.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,57, 850-866. Lenzen, M., McBain, B., Trainer, T., Jtte, S., Rey-Lescure, O., Huang, J. (2016). Simulating low-carbon electricity supply for Australia.Applied Energy,179, 553-564. Martin, N., Rice, J. (2015). Improving Australia's renewable energy project policy and planning: A multiple stakeholder analysis.Energy Policy,84, 128-141. Newell, D., Sandstrm, A., Sderholm, P. (2017). Network management and renewable energy development: an analytical framework with empirical illustrations.Energy Research Social Science,23, 199-210. Parvareh, F., Sharma, M., Qadir, A., Milani, D., Khalilpour, R., Chiesa, M., Abbas, A. (2014). Integration of solar energy in coal-fired power plants retrofitted with carbon capture: a review.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,38, 1029-1044. Science.org.au. (2009).Australias renewable energy future [online] Available at: https://www.science.org.au/files/userfiles/support/reports-and-plans/2015/renewable-energy-future.pdf [Accessed 23 Jan. 2018]. Su, W., Wang, J., Roh, J. (2014). Stochastic energy scheduling in microgrids with intermittent renewable energy resources.IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,5(4), 1876-1883 Union of Concerned Scientists. (2017).Benefits of Renewable Energy Use. [online] Available at: https://www.ucsusa.org/clean-energy/renewable-energy/public-benefits-of-renewable-power#.WmYlk6iWbIU [Accessed 22 Jan. 2018]. Warren, B., Christoff, P., Green, D. (2016). Australias sustainable energy transition: The disjointed politics of decarbonisation.Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions,21, 1-12. Weitemeyer, S., Kleinhans, D., Vogt, T., Agert, C. (2015). Integration of Renewable Energy Sources in future power systems: The role of storage.Renewable Energy,75, 14-20.
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